Those Who Need Help ---One Child, One Family At A Time...
They come to us every day, holding the hand of a
social worker or a teen runaway escorted by the security of a policeman. Their eyes tell their stories. But once at the shelters, the children and teens know they're safe. From the abuse, neglect, abandonment, and parental rejection.
Some have come before; some will come again. They stay until it's safe to go back home or out-of-home care can be found. Our shelters are a place for children to heal physically and emotionally. Children may remain in care for a few hours, or for several weeks, or for a few months. Referrals come from law enforcement, CPS, schools, Safe Place Sites, and the community. The children often come to our shelter with nothing but the clothes they are wearing. We provide clothes, hygiene items, toys, school supplies, and all the basic items that they need to adjust into our shelters.
The Children’s Home and Teen Shelter are committed to providing youth, a safe, supportive environment in which they can make constructive decisions about their future and their relationships with others. We work with other state organizations to care for youth until a foster home or alternative forever home can be found. We also house homeless youth who were abandoned or thrown away. These youth are taught independent living skill and we also work to seek alternative placement for them if going home is not an option.
Our Services Include: Basic Care Emergency Shelter & Assessment Services for youth ages 1-17. We provide food, clothing, school supplies, personal items, life skills, and recreational items like gifts and toys. Advocacy through the medical and legal systems. Transportation. Confidential counseling- individual, group, family, and after-care. Information and referral to other community services. Community and education and outreach. on average we house in our shelters over 300 youth per year. We provided out reach services to an estimated 7,500 youth per year. We want to keep our children and teens safe form the dangers of abusive homes and also the dangers of living on the streets like human trafficking.
Our vision: Every child has a safe and nurturing place to call home!
Please consider a gift to help make a positive difference in the lives of our children and teens! They need your help now more than ever.