Our Mission is to reduce the prevalence of substance use and work to keep our community healthy, productive and safe by providing accurate information to all citizens who are or could be adversely affected by alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.
The Abilene Recovery Council, Inc. (the "Council") was organized on September 16, 1958 as Abilene Council on Alcoholism, and operates as a non-profit corporation exempt from federal income tax under the Internal Revenue Code Section 501©(3). At that time, the purpose was to provide education, information, and referral services to persons of all ages residing in HHSC Region 2 of Texas. As the consumption of drugs other than alcohol intensified and the health problems surrounding tobacco created growing concern, it became evident that the Council could no longer limit its focus to alcoholism. It was at that time, the Council changed its name to the Abilene Council on Alcohol and Drug Use.
Over the years of existence, the Council's mission has been to increase its knowledge, resources, and services in order to reduce the prevalence of substance use and to provide information concerning the use, misuse, and dependence of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs (ATOD). In pursuit of this mission, the Council seeks to 1) prevent alcohol, tobacco and other drug misuse; 2) educate the public about ATOD; and 3) encourage proper diagnosis, treatment and continuum of care for individuals and families with substance use disorder diagnoses.